Specialist Tools Australia - What we're about!

Specialist Tools Australia – Canberra supplies specialist automotive tools not generally available in Australia, with a focus on diesel European and Asian vehicles.
Over the last 10 years Australian automotive repairers have seen a significant shift in the vehicles that they are working on – from familiar petrol vehicles to European diesel vehicles which are now becoming prevalent in the new car market.
This has been a challenge for many repairers who had to learn more about European style vehicles and models, as well as diesels generally.
Specialist Tools Australia is closely affiliated with one of Australia’s leading diesel repairers – Cooma Diesel Service – introducing tools for the repair vehicles with Cooma Diesel Service trialling and vetting these tools on vehicles and issues that are now becoming common place in the Australian vehicle repair industry
Specialist Tools Australia introduced GOVONI TOOLS to Australia as they are not only one of the best quality tool makers in Europe (Italy), but they were also providing tools to the manufacturers of the vehicles we are now seeing in Australia.
Govoni Tools provide video support in the application of their tools, allowing the repairer to fully consider if the application they have is suitable for the tools they have or need to acquire. The highly qualified technicians at Cooma Diesel Service also provide support to the repairer in the diagnosis of diesels and will offer advice as to the correct tooling for even the most difficult repair. Their tools are here in Australia in stock. They know that repairers can’t wait 6-8 weeks for a tool to arrive so they can complete a repair.
Specialist Tools Australia also knows that while GOVONI TOOLS are top shelf tools, sometimes the repairer needs a cheaper alternative without compromising quality and durability. In such cases, Specialist Tools Australia also stocks a range of high-quality Taiwanese tools. The tools from this manufacturer are often rebranded and sold under the labels of internationally recognised tool makers. We supply them at very cost-effective prices and they’re posted to you freight free.
Some of their more popular kits are those used to remove Diesel fuel injectors and glow plugs that have become seized in a vehicles cylinder head. If you have ever experienced this problem you will understand how difficult they can be to remove, and how costly these jobs can become if the injectors are damaged in removal or if the cylinder head needs to be removed.
The good news is that they have kits where almost all injectors can be removed in the vehicle without damage, saving everyone time and money in the long run, and who doesn’t like that!
Some other kits that Specialist Tools Australia supplies are Diesel and petrol timing kits, specialised hand tools and the new and innovative Pneumatic Coil Spring Compressor workstation that incorporates excellent operation with comprehensive safety concepts.
At Specialist Tools Australia they like to talk with the repairer about the vehicle and what the repair is before selling you a tool – might seem a bit old fashioned – but at least that way the repairer not only ends up with the right tool for the job, but if there are any tips, tricks or traps – the repairer is on the front foot before they even get into the repair. Nobody wants to be stuck with a repair that has gone wrong, especially if there is someone out there who is willing to help you, if you had only known!